Obtaining NOC’s / Air, Water & H. W. Consents / Environmental Clearances



Obtaining NOC’s


Who ever wants to shift his vehicle from one state to other state needs a ‘ No Objection Certificate ’ for getting his Vehicle and Registration Certificate transferred to other states. As per the rules, R.T.Authority insists on N.O.C before issuing clearance to the candidate



To obtain N.O.C one has to apply to Dy. Commissioner of Police, Traffic Branch, Police Control Room, near Lal Bahadur Stadium, Hyderabad to obtain N.O.C in respect of Traffic violations and also apply to Dy. Commissioner of Police, Detective Department, Central Crime Station, Police Control Room, Lal Bahadur Stadium, Hyderabad in respect of criminal records.


Air, Water & H. W. Consents

Under the provisions of these Acts, an entrepreneur running or establishing any industry or process, and discharging effluent/emitting pollutants into any water resources or on land/air and polluting thereby the environmental water/air is required to obtain consent, which needs to obtained in two phases

Consent to Establish:This consent is to be obtained prior to establishing any industry or process

Consent to Operate:Once the industry or process plant is established along the required pollution control systems, the entrepreneur is required to obtain consent to operate the unit. This consent is given for a particular period, which needs to be renewed regularly




Environmental Clearances

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important management tool for ensuring optimal use of nature resource for sustainable development. To facilitate project proponents in collection of environmental data, guidelines have been evolved and made available. EIA is now mandatory under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for 29 categories of developmental activities involving investment beyond certain thresholds